One of the perks of living directly above my folks are their concert nights. Now by concert I don’t mean they are actually singing, but very often, my Mother is, and not knowing the words doesn’t stop her. Often it’s after they’ve arrived home from an event or dinner and …


You indeed can go home again, and here’s how; forget everything you knew about who you were, and who you’ve become, and then let the two of them collide with a thunderous clank or a gentle harmonious click, or whatever it happens to look like, at your intersection. I’m back …


So as I tooled around this city the last few months this song kept catching me everywhere I went, and although I couldn’t quite make out all the lyrics, her delightfully lilt-y voice along with the “won’t hurt so much forever” chorus really stuck with me and at one intersection …

Can’t bloom where you’re planted? Uproot yourself.

Well, here we are. I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve had about enough “growth opportunities” lately. I recently heard someone say “I don’t know where the hell I’m going, but I’m making good time” and although I’m not 100 percent sure what that means, I sure as hell …


“OF COURSE we skipped Christmas, why wouldn’t we?”, laughed my Mother on the other end of the phone, late last week. “We thought we had all the time in the world!” Yes, it’s definitely ironic that 2019 was the one Christmas my Mother and I decide to “skip” in lieu …